Katerina Siderova

Leeft en werkt in
The Hague, Netherlands

Visual artist who connects the sculptural with the theatrical and works with the absurdity of human existence through their relationships with death and grief. She is interested in how mortality resonates in humans on every level; from domestic environments and personal stories to effects of warfare on a landscape and state-to-population power dynamics.

From the first hours of the program you can feel that it's organized with care and an honest desire to connect people.
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"I am grateful for the daring, challenging but mostly fun weekend I got to spend meeting fellow artists and culture professionals alike during 2024 WARP Artist Village! It was so heartwarming not only to be able to share my own artistic practice, background, achievements, dreams and insecurities but to see others eagerly and sincerely doing the same, us all having space for each other. From the first hours of the program you can feel that it's organized with care and an honest desire to connect people, which is ever so important, especially in the political turmoil we exist in.

Some amazing connections were made and I cannot wait to see how they develop!

Thank you, WARP & Make Eindhoven."

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