
Interview Jolien Boumkwo

Stationsstraat 90
Warp members:

Jolien Maliga Boumkoo (1993) is a shot putter who is currently training hard to be at the Paris Olympics. She has already won 21 Belgian titles and holds the national shot put record, but last year she made the world press through another athletics discipline: hurdling.

The images of Jolien Boumkwo during the European Cup in Poland in late June were remarkable. The shot putter suddenly had to fill in on the 100-meter hurdles because hurdler Anne Zagré had injured herself. Footage of Boumkwo's performance went around the world. It also earned the Belgian athletics team 2 unexpected points in the European Cup. Boumkwo herself now also holds a European athletics award because of it: the Team Spirit Award.

Location: Stationsstraat 90

Date: Thursday, May 2

Time: 12h15 - 13h15

Free of charge upon presentation of your Coup de Ville admission ticket.

A reservation is not necessary to attend this interview.

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